In Prometheus’s expression language, an expression or sub-expression can evaluate to one of four types:
- Instant vector - a set of time series containing a single sample for each time series, all sharing the same timestamp
- Range vector - a set of time series containing a range of data points over time for each time series
- Scalar - a simple numeric floating point value
- String - a simple string value; currently unused
gauge是忽高忽低的一个类型,比较适合算瞬时值,或者 avg,min,max,topk这些,例如:
1 | # HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist. |
rate irate increase
1 | rate(grpc_server_handling_seconds_count{job="grpc-go",grpc_type="unary"}[30s]) |
1 | irate(grpc_server_handling_seconds_count{job="grpc-go",grpc_type="unary"}[30s]) |
1 | increase(grpc_server_handling_seconds_count{job="grpc-go",grpc_type="unary"}[30s]) |
1 | // === rate(node parser.ValueTypeMatrix) Vector === |
1 | rate(grpc_server_handling_seconds_count{job="grpc-go",grpc_type="unary"}[2s]) |
avg avg_over_time
avg_over_time(range-vector): the average value of all points in the specified interval.
sum sum_over_time
The following functions allow aggregating each series of a given range vector over time and return an instant vector with per-series aggregation results:
- avg_over_time(range-vector): the average value of all points in the specified interval.
- min_over_time(range-vector): the minimum value of all points in the specified interval.
- max_over_time(range-vector): the maximum value of all points in the specified interval.
- sum_over_time(range-vector): the sum of all values in the specified interval.
- count_over_time(range-vector): the count of all values in the specified interval.
- quantile_over_time(scalar, range-vector): the φ-quantile (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1) of the values in the specified interval.
- stddev_over_time(range-vector): the population standard deviation of the values in the specified interval.
- stdvar_over_time(range-vector): the population standard variance of the values in the specified interval.
- last_over_time(range-vector): the most recent point value in specified interval.
- present_over_time(range-vector): the value 1 for any series in the specified interval.
Note that all values in the specified interval have the same weight in the aggregation even if the values are not equally spaced throughout the interval.
Prometheus supports the following built-in aggregation operators that can be used to aggregate the elements of a single instant vector, resulting in a new vector of fewer elements with aggregated values:
- sum (calculate sum over dimensions)
- min (select minimum over dimensions)
- max (select maximum over dimensions)
- avg (calculate the average over dimensions)
- group (all values in the resulting vector are 1)
- stddev (calculate population standard deviation over dimensions)
- stdvar (calculate population standard variance over dimensions)
- count (count number of elements in the vector)
- count_values (count number of elements with the same value)
- bottomk (smallest k elements by sample value)
- topk (largest k elements by sample value)
- quantile (calculate φ-quantile (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1) over dimensions)
These operators can either be used to aggregate over all label dimensions or preserve distinct dimensions by including a without or by clause. These clauses may be used before or after the expression.
1 | <aggr-op> [without|by (<label list>)] ([parameter,] <vector expression>) |
1 | <aggr-op>([parameter,] <vector expression>) [without|by (<label list>)] |
这两个都是聚合操作,可以算多个实例的和。sum还可以根据label过滤。区别主要就是作用的对象不同,instant vs range;
1 | // query |
1 | //query |
1 | grpc_server_handling_seconds_bucket{grpc_method="SayHello",grpc_service="proto.DemoService",grpc_type="unary",le="0.005"} 231 |
1 | DefBuckets = []float64{.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10} |
Bucket | Count |
0-0.005 | 231 |
0-0.01 | 231 |
0-0.025 | 231 |
0-0.05 | 231 |
0-0.1 | 231 |
0-0.25 | 231 |
0-0.5 | 231 |
0-1 | 231 |
0-2.5 | 331 |
0-5 | 331 |
0-10 | 331 |
0-+Inf | 331 |
Summaries also measure events and are an alternative to histograms. They are cheaper, but lose more data. They are calculated on the application level hence aggregation of metrics from multiple instances of the same process is not possible. They are used when the buckets of a metric is not known beforehand, but it is highly recommended to use histograms over summaries whenever possible.